KILFROST Pneumatic Tool Anti-Freeze and Lubricant is a unique fluid designed to provide the three requirements of air powered tools: Lubrication of moving parts, Corrosion Protection and Freeze Protection. Under cool conditions, pneumatic tools can experience downtime from freezing caused by the formation of ice in and around exhaust ports and valves. There is no need for this to happen if Kilfrost Pneumatic Tool Antifreeze and Lubricant is used in air line lubricators. Kilfrost is not an additive. It is to be used as received. Kilfrost absorbs the water in the air line, depressing the freezing point of the solution formed, thus eliminating freezing. This stable solution maintains high lubricity, unlike normal air line oils whose lubrication qualities deteriorate rapidly when water is present. Kilfrost is a semi-synthetic lubricant that has none of the drawbacks associated with normal oils. Kilfrost is economical – when fed at the correct rate it is not readily blown out of the exhaust port and wastefully dissipated. Any pneumatic equipment subject to severe corrosion conditions will benefit from Kilfrost’s unique ability to permanently absorb moisture. Kilfrost is NOT recommended for use above 100ºF. It is used to prevent dieseling in rock drills and other heavy equipment which is important in underground operations or where gas leaks may be encountered. The only true antifreeze airline lubricant which will not damage polycarbonate, polyurethane or buna seals.
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